Editor's Note

The often-repeated discourse of these contemporary times is that the amount of "information" available to those who seek it is redoubling every so often, and that, basically, there is already too much of it for anyone to sift through in order to find the most relevant to be used. Compounding to the overload is the fact that we are, Malaysians, that is, already working longer hours than the global average. We have been taking more and more work back home to complete, blurring the work-life distinction even more, to the detriment of our productivity and equilibrium. At a time when "free" time is shrinking, becoming rare, if not extinct, how do we find contiguous time to learn, let alone learn deeply, in order to better ourselves? More challenging, how do we, as tutors and facilitators, encourage our learners to learn and learn deeply?

This issue of TCX interrogates the sharp distinction between deep and shallow learning, and how OUM seeks to promote the former, a task made more urgent precisely because of the prevailing conditions of our times. TCX34 explores the importance of inculcating deep learning because deep learning is ultimately the only learning that counts. It is that which will allow our graduates to perform and thrive at the workplace and beyond. The challenge is a heavy one but it is something that we, as tutors and facilitators, must rise to because we must!

We hope at least some parts of this issue will provoke reflection on our practice as educators, and we hope you will be sufficiently provoked to want to write to us to share your views on the core issue at hand.


Dr David Lim
Chief Editor

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