Thinking, which at its height leads to the creation of new knowledge, is the primary business of the university irrespective of the mode in which the university facilitates teaching and learning.
In every discipline there is always a minimum body of knowledge to master - mastery which requires a lot of thinking in and out of the box.
There are also bodies of knowledge outside one’s discipline proper which are far from irrelevant, not least because they have the potential to enrich, if not transform, one’s discipline-bound understanding of the objects of study, including life itself.
TCX 27 attempts to think through thinking, the latter a task which, while everyone agrees is meritorious, can be challenging, if not also painful. Thinking, especially the divergent type which challenges normative ideas, is not always rewarded, even as we’re told that thinking is good.
Indeed, history has shown that thinkers whose ideas can and have changed the world for the better, are often persecuted. Despite this, there are those who persist in thinking, which necessarily involves questioning received wisdoms and truths. Ultimately, it is those who think in this way that will materially advance knowledge.
This issue seeks to radicalise tutors’ understanding of thinking with the hope that tutors can in turn radicalise their learners’ thinking, simply because thinking is our business.
We hope you’ll enjoy this issue and we wish you all the best for the rest of the semester.