In addition, it supports the University by providing services which include art and design, video shooting and editing, montage, photography and delivery of learning materials through its logistics unit.
After they have written and submitted the contents, these are scanned through an anti-plagiarism software. This is crucial because we want to avoid having plagiarised contents in our modules. Next, the writing and language are reviewed. If found unsuitable, the contents will be returned to the writer for improvement.
Next, the contents will be reviewed by moderators (who are also subject matter experts). All contents need to be correct, current, have enough depth and suit the level of the learners.
The moderated contents are further improved upon by our instructional designers (ID), who will enhance the text flow and add illustrations and diagrams so that the module is not too text heavy. This is to make the module simple enough for learners. The IDs also put themselves in the shoes of the learners by trying to understand the language used and seeing whether the contents are clear.
They will also ensure that the learning outcomes, activities and self assessments are aligned. For illustrations and diagrams, graphic designers will create new artwork or improve those supplied by the writers. The contents are then passed to the Editorial Unit for editing.
The next step involves getting desktop publishers to do the layout. After that, a team of CIDT reviewers will review the content. Proofreading is also done. The draft copies are then sent to the respective faculties/school/centre for further review. Field testing of new modules needs to be conducted to improve the quality of modules further.
After amendments have been done, a mock-up copy is submitted again, this time to be signed off by the Dean/Head/Director. The softcopy is then sent to METEOR Doc Sdn Bhd (MDoc) for printing. Finally, the Logistics Unit will pack and deliver the printed modules to the learning centres.
Getting each staff to be involved and take pride in their work are the main objectives. We need to create a happy and conducive environment. We also need to keep our blood pressure low!