Editor's Note

What's Godzilla doing on the cover, you ask? Think of it as a multiple symbol for the theme of TCX24: In Modules We Trust, which had the original working titles of Modules R' Us and Modules vs. Textbooks. Precisely what it figures is up to the reader.

Godzilla could be read as modules overtaking textbooks, the costs of which have been rising steadily over the years, scandalizing many students around the world. Godzilla could be OUM subject matter experts consuming available textbooks in order to re-condense a given body of knowledge in module form. Godzilla could also be viewed as OUM learners as the powerful final arbiter of what constitutes good learning materials. The choice is yours!

We hope the contents of TCX24 will serve as food for thought on the uses of learning materials and the potential they have to enhance teaching and learning. As usual, we look forward to receiving your feedback on the features. One final note: The main features on the web version of TCX now come with a rating system and a comment box for your input. We hope you'll find them useful.

All the best in the new September 2009 semester.

Dr David C.L. Lim

Chief Editor

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In order to benefit both tutors and learners, OUM modules should:

Be concise and touch on fundamental facts and theories
Cover important facts in greater detail, like a textbook
Touch on fundamental facts but include more thought-provoking questions
Include content and exercises that are relevant to real-life situations
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