Feature: Views from the Outside

Compiled by Teo Hui Thian

The corporate sector has its own views about what makes a person a quality graduate. These are views we need to consider seriously if we want our graduates to not only be marketable and employable, but also worthy of getting headhunted by the best companies. So, what makes a quality graduate? Read on and find out what three leaders in the corporate sector think.

A quality graduate to Motorola means a graduate who demonstrates the ability to learn, maturity in thinking and good leadership skills. Briefly, the ability to learn is measured through the grade obtained by the graduate at the end of his study. A graduate who can share his thoughts and knowledge not only among peers but with other people or colleagues in different regions shows maturity in thinking.

Finally, his involvement in extra-curricular activities in college is used as initial measurement of his leadership skills. Being a multinational company and also an American-based company, proficiency in English is not only important but a must for us.

Kamaldin Nordin
Motorola University for the Asia Pacific Region

A quality graduate is one who is self-initiated, is able to apply what he has learnt in university to solve problems effectively at the workplace, communicates effectively and can work well with others. He is able to maintain a good balance between his academic achievements and his extra-curricular activities. In summary, he is a balanced person who is intellectually, socially and emotionally adept.

Cornelius Koh
General Manager
Human Capital Development & Engagement
Tan Chong Motor Group

A quality graduate is moldable, has some professional experience outside academic life and must have the hunger and drive for success. A quality graduate must have the right mentality upon graduation and explore all possible areas for personal development and improvement.

High-scoring graduates who think they can get a job just because they have A's on their transcripts are in for a surprise. Out here in the real world, you do not get paid to memorise some answers from a textbook and write it down on a piece of paper. You get paid for being able to solve problems, communicate and work together as a team to collectively apply your knowledge and experiences to a certain task or project.

Izmir Mujab
Managing Director
Asiatica Intergroup

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In my opinion, the most important factor in producing quality OUM graduates is:

Tutors who are capable and motivated
Quality learning materials
A syllabus which integrates both theoretical and practical aspects of a subject
All of the above
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